Mr. Guðmundur Björgvin Helgason is the Auditor General
The Auditor General oversees the finances of the State, its institutions and State enterprises under a mandate from the Althingi. The Auditor General monitors the revenues of the State and observe whether appropriations and assets are used and allocated in an efficient and proper manner in accordance with the conditions and decisions of the Althingi.
In order to ensure that the operation of the INAO develops in tune with international trends and best practises, the Office has established good relations and co-operation with its overseas counterparts. The Office has a long history of co-operation with the national audit offices of the Nordic countries.
If you have queries concerning the INAO's status, role, tasks, current assignments or something else you can contact us here, by phone: +354 448 8800 or send us an email to postur[at] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.